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A stream that can be used to create a file in a ZIP archive

interface ZipInputFile extends ZipAttributes {
compression: number;
crc: number;
filename: string;
flag?: number;
size: number;
terminate?: AsyncTerminable;



compression: number

The compression format for the data stream. This number is determined by the spec in PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section 4.4.5. For example, 0 = no compression, 8 = deflate, 14 = LZMA

crc: number

A CRC of the original file contents. This attribute may be invalid after the file is added to the ZIP archive; it must be correct only before the stream completes.

If you don't want to have to generate this yourself, consider extending the ZipPassThrough class and overriding its process() method, or using one of ZipDeflate or AsyncZipDeflate.

filename: string

The filename to associate with the data provided to this stream. If you want a file in a subdirectory, use forward slashes as a separator (e.g. directory/filename.ext). This will still work on Windows.

flag?: number

Bits 1 and 2 of the general purpose bit flag, specified in PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section 4.4.4. Should be between 0 and 3. This is unlikely to be necessary.


The handler to be called when data is added. After passing this stream to the ZIP file object, this handler will always be defined. To call it:

stream.ondata(error, chunk, final)

error = any error that occurred (null if there was no error)

chunk = a Uint8Array of the data that was added (null if there was an error)

final = boolean, whether this is the final chunk in the stream

size: number

The size of the file in bytes. This attribute may be invalid after the file is added to the ZIP archive; it must be correct only before the stream completes.

If you don't want to have to compute this yourself, consider extending the ZipPassThrough class and overriding its process() method, or using one of ZipDeflate or AsyncZipDeflate.


A method called when the stream is no longer needed, for clean-up purposes. This will not always be called after the stream completes, so you may wish to call this.terminate() after the final chunk is processed if you have clean-up logic.