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An element within the DOM.

class Element extends NodeWithChildren {
name: string,
attribs: {
[name: string]: string;
children?: Node[],
type?: ElementType.Tag | ElementType.Script | ElementType.Style,
attribs: {
[name: string]: string;
name: string;
namespace?: string;
sourceCodeLocation?: TagSourceCodeLocation | null;
get tagName(): string;
set tagName(name: string);
get attributes(): Attribute[];
x-attribsNamespace?: Record<string, string>;
x-attribsPrefix?: Record<string, string>;




new Element(name: string, attribs: {
[name: string]: string;
, children?: Node[], type?: ElementType.Tag | ElementType.Script | ElementType.Style)
@param name

Name of the tag, eg. div, span.

@param attribs

Object mapping attribute names to attribute values.

@param children

Children of the node.


attribs: {
[name: string]: string;
name: string
namespace: string

Element namespace (parse5 only).

sourceCodeLocation: TagSourceCodeLocation | null

parse5 source code location info, with start & end tags.

Available if parsing with parse5 and location info is enabled.

tagName: string

Same as {@link name}. DOM spec-compatible alias.

attributes: Attribute[] readonly
x-attribsNamespace: Record<string, string>

Element attribute namespaces (parse5 only).

x-attribsPrefix: Record<string, string>

Element attribute namespace-related prefixes (parse5 only).