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interface ContentOptions {
filesystem?: string[];
inline?: (string | {
code: string;
id?: string;
| (() => Awaitable<string | {
code: string;
id?: string;
pipeline?: false | {
include?: FilterPattern;
exclude?: FilterPattern;
plain?: (string | {
code: string;
id?: string;


filesystem?: string[]

Glob patterns to extract from the file system, in addition to other content sources.

In dev mode, the files will be watched and trigger HMR.

inline?: (string | {
code: string;
id?: string;
| (() => Awaitable<string | {
code: string;
id?: string;

Inline text to be extracted

pipeline?: false | {
include?: FilterPattern;
exclude?: FilterPattern;

Filters to determine whether to extract certain modules from the build tools' transformation pipeline.

Currently only works for Vite and Webpack integration.

Set false to disable.

plain?: (string | {
code: string;
id?: string;