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interface FormatOptions {
compact?: boolean | undefined;
escapeless?: boolean | undefined;
hexadecimal?: boolean | undefined;
indent?: IndentOptions | undefined;
json?: boolean | undefined;
newline?: string | undefined;
parentheses?: boolean | undefined;
preserveBlankLines?: boolean | undefined;
quotes?: string | undefined;
renumber?: boolean | undefined;
safeConcatenation?: boolean | undefined;
semicolons?: boolean | undefined;
space?: string | undefined;


compact?: boolean | undefined

Do not include superfluous whitespace characters and line terminators. Default is false.

escapeless?: boolean | undefined

Escape as few characters in string literals as necessary. Default is false.

hexadecimal?: boolean | undefined

Generate hexadecimal a numeric literal if it is shorter than its equivalents. Requires option.format.renumber. Default is false.

indent?: IndentOptions | undefined

The indent options

json?: boolean | undefined

Enforce JSON format of numeric and string literals. This option takes precedence over option.format.hexadecimal and option.format.quotes. Default is false.

newline?: string | undefined

New line string. Default is '\n'.

parentheses?: boolean | undefined

Preserve parentheses in new expressions that have no arguments. Default is true.

preserveBlankLines?: boolean | undefined
quotes?: string | undefined

Delimiter to use for string literals. Accepted values are: 'single', 'double', and 'auto'. When 'auto' is specified, escodegen selects a delimiter that results in a shorter literal. Default is 'single'.

renumber?: boolean | undefined

Try to generate shorter numeric literals than toString() (9.8.1). Default is false.

safeConcatenation?: boolean | undefined
semicolons?: boolean | undefined

Preserve semicolons at the end of blocks and programs. Default is true.

space?: string | undefined

White space string. Default is standard ' ' (\x20).