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A parse rule targeting a style property.

interface StyleParseRule extends GenericParseRule {
clearMark?: (mark: Mark) => boolean;
getAttrs?: (node: string) => Attrs | false | null;
style: string;
tag?: undefined;



clearMark?: (mark: Mark) => boolean

Style rules can remove marks from the set of active marks.

getAttrs?: (node: string) => Attrs | false | null

A function used to compute the attributes for the node or mark created by this rule. Called with the style's value.

style: string

A CSS property name to match. This rule will match inline styles that list that property. May also have the form "property=value", in which case the rule only matches if the property's value exactly matches the given value. (For more complicated filters, use getAttrs and return false to indicate that the match failed.) Rules matching styles may only produce marks, not nodes.

tag?: undefined

Given to make TS see ParseRule as a tagged union @hide