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Represents a flat range of content, i.e. one that starts and ends in the same node.

class NodeRange {
$from: ResolvedPos,
depth: number,
readonly $from: ResolvedPos;
readonly $to: ResolvedPos;
readonly depth: number;
get start(): number;
get end(): number;
get parent(): Node;
get startIndex(): number;
get endIndex(): number;


new NodeRange($from: ResolvedPos, $to: ResolvedPos, depth: number)

Construct a node range. $from and $to should point into the same node until at least the given depth, since a node range denotes an adjacent set of nodes in a single parent node.



A resolved position along the start of the content. May have a depth greater than this object's depth property, since these are the positions that were used to compute the range, not re-resolved positions directly at its boundaries.


A position along the end of the content. See caveat for $from.

depth: number

The depth of the node that this range points into.

start: number readonly

The position at the start of the range.

end: number readonly

The position at the end of the range.

parent: Node readonly

The parent node that the range points into.

startIndex: number readonly

The start index of the range in the parent node.

endIndex: number readonly

The end index of the range in the parent node.