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An editor state transaction, which can be applied to a state to create an updated state. Use EditorState.tr to create an instance.

Transactions track changes to the document (they are a subclass of Transform), but also other state changes, like selection updates and adjustments of the set of stored marks. In addition, you can store metadata properties in a transaction, which are extra pieces of information that client code or plugins can use to describe what a transaction represents, so that they can update their own state accordingly.

The editor view uses a few metadata properties: it will attach a property "pointer" with the value true to selection transactions directly caused by mouse or touch input, a "composition" property holding an ID identifying the composition that caused it to transactions caused by composed DOM input, and a "uiEvent" property of that may be "paste", "cut", or "drop".

class Transaction extends Transform {
private curSelection;
private curSelectionFor;
private meta;
private updated;
get selection(): Selection;
get selectionSet(): boolean;
storedMarks: readonly Mark[] | null;
get storedMarksSet(): boolean;
get isGeneric(): boolean;
get scrolledIntoView(): boolean;
time: number;
addStoredMark(mark: Mark): this;
deleteSelection(): this;
ensureMarks(marks: readonly Mark[]): this;
getMeta(key: string | Plugin | PluginKey): any;
text: string,
from?: number,
to?: number,
): this;
removeStoredMark(mark: Mark | MarkType): this;
replaceSelection(slice: Slice): this;
replaceSelectionWith(node: Node, inheritMarks?: boolean): this;
scrollIntoView(): this;
setMeta(key: string | Plugin | PluginKey, value: any): this;
setSelection(selection: Selection): this;
setStoredMarks(marks: readonly Mark[] | null): this;
setTime(time: number): this;




selection: Selection readonly

The transaction's current selection. This defaults to the editor selection mapped through the steps in the transaction, but can be overwritten with setSelection.

selectionSet: boolean readonly

Whether the selection was explicitly updated by this transaction.

storedMarks: readonly Mark[] | null

The stored marks set by this transaction, if any.

storedMarksSet: boolean readonly

Whether the stored marks were explicitly set for this transaction.

isGeneric: boolean readonly

Returns true if this transaction doesn't contain any metadata, and can thus safely be extended.

scrolledIntoView: boolean readonly

True when this transaction has had scrollIntoView called on it.

time: number

The timestamp associated with this transaction, in the same format as Date.now().


addStoredMark(mark: Mark): this

Add a mark to the set of stored marks.

deleteSelection(): this

Delete the selection.

ensureMarks(marks: readonly Mark[]): this

Make sure the current stored marks or, if that is null, the marks at the selection, match the given set of marks. Does nothing if this is already the case.

getMeta(key: string | Plugin | PluginKey): any

Retrieve a metadata property for a given name or plugin.

insertText(text: string, from?: number, to?: number): this

Replace the given range, or the selection if no range is given, with a text node containing the given string.

removeStoredMark(mark: Mark | MarkType): this

Remove a mark or mark type from the set of stored marks.

replaceSelection(slice: Slice): this

Replace the current selection with the given slice.

replaceSelectionWith(node: Node, inheritMarks?: boolean): this

Replace the selection with the given node. When inheritMarks is true and the content is inline, it inherits the marks from the place where it is inserted.

scrollIntoView(): this

Indicate that the editor should scroll the selection into view when updated to the state produced by this transaction.

setMeta(key: string | Plugin | PluginKey, value: any): this

Store a metadata property in this transaction, keyed either by name or by plugin.

setSelection(selection: Selection): this

Update the transaction's current selection. Will determine the selection that the editor gets when the transaction is applied.

setStoredMarks(marks: readonly Mark[] | null): this

Set the current stored marks.

setTime(time: number): this

Update the timestamp for the transaction.