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interface BubbleMenuPluginProps {
editor: Editor;
element: HTMLElement;
pluginKey: PluginKey | string;
shouldShow?: ((props: {
editor: Editor;
view: EditorView;
state: EditorState;
oldState?: EditorState;
from: number;
to: number;
) => boolean
| null;
tippyOptions?: Partial<Props>;
updateDelay?: number;


editor: Editor

The editor instance.

element: HTMLElement

The DOM element that contains your menu.

pluginKey: PluginKey | string

The plugin key.

shouldShow?: ((props: {
editor: Editor;
view: EditorView;
state: EditorState;
oldState?: EditorState;
from: number;
to: number;
) => boolean
| null

A function that determines whether the menu should be shown or not. If this function returns false, the menu will be hidden, otherwise it will be shown.

tippyOptions?: Partial<Props>

The options for the tippy.js instance.

updateDelay?: number

The delay in milliseconds before the menu should be updated. This can be useful to prevent performance issues.