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interface Config {
env?: EnvConfig;
exclude?: string | string[];
inlineSourcesContent?: boolean;
jsc?: JscConfig;
minify?: boolean;
module?: ModuleConfig;
sourceMaps?: boolean | "inline";
test?: string | string[];


exclude?: string | string[]

Note: The type is string because it follows rust's regex syntax.

inlineSourcesContent?: boolean
minify?: boolean
sourceMaps?: boolean | "inline"
  • true to generate a sourcemap for the code and include it in the result object.
  • "inline" to generate a sourcemap and append it as a data URL to the end of the code, but not include it in the result object.

swc-cli overloads some of these to also affect how maps are written to disk:

  • true will write the map to a .map file on disk
  • "inline" will write the file directly, so it will have a data: containing the map
  • Note: These options are bit weird, so it may make the most sense to just use true and handle the rest in your own code, depending on your use case.
test?: string | string[]

Note: The type is string because it follows rust's regex syntax.