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class RealtimeClient {
constructor(endPoint: string, options?: RealtimeClientOptions);
private _workerObjectUrl;
accessToken: string | null;
apiKey: string | null;
channels: RealtimeChannel[];
conn: WebSocketLike | null;
decode: Function;
encode: Function;
endPoint: string;
fetch: Fetch;
headers?: {
[key: string]: string;
heartbeatIntervalMs: number;
heartbeatTimer: ReturnType<setInterval> | undefined;
httpEndpoint: string;
logger: Function;
params?: {
[key: string]: string;
pendingHeartbeatRef: string | null;
reconnectAfterMs: Function;
reconnectTimer: Timer;
ref: number;
sendBuffer: Function[];
serializer: Serializer;
stateChangeCallbacks: {
open: Function[];
close: Function[];
error: Function[];
message: Function[];
timeout: number;
transport: WebSocketLikeConstructor | null;
worker?: boolean;
workerRef?: Worker;
workerUrl?: string;
channel(topic: string, params?: RealtimeChannelOptions): RealtimeChannel;
connect(): void;
connectionState(): CONNECTION_STATE;
disconnect(code?: number, reason?: string): void;
getChannels(): RealtimeChannel[];
isConnected(): boolean;
kind: string,
msg: string,
data?: any,
): void;
push(data: RealtimeMessage): void;
removeAllChannels(): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse[]>;
removeChannel(channel: RealtimeChannel): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse>;
setAuth(token: string | null): void;


new RealtimeClient(endPoint: string, options?: RealtimeClientOptions)

Initializes the Socket.

@param endPoint

The string WebSocket endpoint, ie, "ws://example.com/socket", "wss://example.com", "/socket" (inherited host & protocol)

@param httpEndpoint

The string HTTP endpoint, ie, "https://example.com", "/" (inherited host & protocol)

@param options.transport

The Websocket Transport, for example WebSocket.

@param options.timeout

The default timeout in milliseconds to trigger push timeouts.

@param options.params

The optional params to pass when connecting.

@param options.headers

The optional headers to pass when connecting.

@param options.heartbeatIntervalMs

The millisec interval to send a heartbeat message.

@param options.logger

The optional function for specialized logging, ie: logger: (kind, msg, data) => { console.log(${kind}: ${msg}, data) }

@param options.encode

The function to encode outgoing messages. Defaults to JSON: (payload, callback) => callback(JSON.stringify(payload))

@param options.decode

The function to decode incoming messages. Defaults to Serializer's decode.

@param options.reconnectAfterMs

he optional function that returns the millsec reconnect interval. Defaults to stepped backoff off.

@param options.worker

Use Web Worker to set a side flow. Defaults to false.

@param options.workerUrl

The URL of the worker script. Defaults to https://realtime.supabase.com/worker.js that includes a heartbeat event call to keep the connection alive.


accessToken: string | null
apiKey: string | null
conn: WebSocketLike | null
decode: Function
encode: Function
endPoint: string
headers: {
[key: string]: string;
heartbeatIntervalMs: number
heartbeatTimer: ReturnType<setInterval> | undefined
httpEndpoint: string
logger: Function
params: {
[key: string]: string;
pendingHeartbeatRef: string | null
reconnectAfterMs: Function
reconnectTimer: Timer
ref: number
sendBuffer: Function[]
serializer: Serializer
stateChangeCallbacks: {
open: Function[];
close: Function[];
error: Function[];
message: Function[];
timeout: number
transport: WebSocketLikeConstructor | null
worker: boolean
workerRef: Worker
workerUrl: string


channel(topic: string, params?: RealtimeChannelOptions): RealtimeChannel
connect(): void

Connects the socket, unless already connected.

connectionState(): CONNECTION_STATE

Returns the current state of the socket.

disconnect(code?: number, reason?: string): void

Disconnects the socket.

@param code

A numeric status code to send on disconnect.

@param reason

A custom reason for the disconnect.

getChannels(): RealtimeChannel[]

Returns all created channels

isConnected(): boolean

Returns true is the connection is open.

log(kind: string, msg: string, data?: any): void

Logs the message.

For customized logging, this.logger can be overridden.

push(data: RealtimeMessage): void

Push out a message if the socket is connected.

If the socket is not connected, the message gets enqueued within a local buffer, and sent out when a connection is next established.

removeAllChannels(): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse[]>

Unsubscribes and removes all channels

removeChannel(channel: RealtimeChannel): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse>

Unsubscribes and removes a single channel

@param channel

A RealtimeChannel instance

setAuth(token: string | null): void

Sets the JWT access token used for channel subscription authorization and Realtime RLS.

@param token

A JWT string.