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class AggregatorRegistry extends Registry {
clusterMetrics(): Promise<string>;
static aggregate(metricsArr: Array<Object>): Registry;
static setRegistries(regs: Array<Registry> | Registry): void;




clusterMetrics(): Promise<string>

Gets aggregated metrics for all workers.


Promise that resolves with the aggregated metrics.

§Static Methods

aggregate(metricsArr: Array<Object>): Registry

Creates a new Registry instance from an array of metrics that were created by registry.getMetricsAsJSON(). Metrics are aggregated using the method specified by their aggregator property, or by summation if aggregator is undefined.

@param metricsArr

Array of metrics, each of which created by registry.getMetricsAsJSON().


aggregated registry.

setRegistries(regs: Array<Registry> | Registry): void

Sets the registry or registries to be aggregated. Call from workers to use a registry/registries other than the default global registry.

@param regs

Registry or registries to be aggregated.
