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interface VariantHandlerContext {
entries: CSSEntries;
layer?: string;
noMerge?: boolean;
parent?: string;
parentOrder?: number;
prefix: string;
pseudo: string;
selector: string;
sort?: number;



Rewrite the output css body. The input come in [key,value][] pairs.

layer?: string

Override layer to the output css.

noMerge?: boolean

Option to not merge the resulting entries even if the body are the same.

parent?: string

Provide a parent selector(e.g. media query) to the output css.

parentOrder?: number

Provide order to the parent parent selector within layer.

prefix: string

Rewrite the output selector. Often be used to append parents.

pseudo: string

Rewrite the output selector. Often be used to append pseudo elements.

selector: string

Rewrite the output selector. Often be used to append pseudo classes.

sort?: number

Order in which the variant is sorted within single rule.