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interface JscConfig {
baseUrl?: string;
experimental?: {
optimizeHygiene?: boolean;
keepImportAssertions?: boolean;
cacheRoot?: string;
plugins?: Array<[string, Record<string, any>]>;
externalHelpers?: boolean;
keepClassNames?: boolean;
loose?: boolean;
minify?: JsMinifyOptions;
parser?: ParserConfig;
paths?: {
[from: string]: string[];
preserveAllComments?: boolean;
target?: JscTarget;
transform?: TransformConfig;


baseUrl?: string
experimental?: {
optimizeHygiene?: boolean;
keepImportAssertions?: boolean;
cacheRoot?: string;
plugins?: Array<[string, Record<string, any>]>;
externalHelpers?: boolean

Use @swc/helpers instead of inline helpers.

keepClassNames?: boolean

Keep class names.

loose?: boolean

Defaults to EsParserConfig

paths?: {
[from: string]: string[];
preserveAllComments?: boolean

Defaults to es3 (which enabled all pass).