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These properties are mostly not implemented yet, but it exists to support passing terser config to swc minify without modification.

interface JsFormatOptions {
asciiOnly?: boolean;
beautify?: boolean;
braces?: boolean;
comments?: false | "some" | "all";
indentLevel?: number;
indentStart?: number;
inlineScript?: number;
keepNumbers?: number;
keepQuotedProps?: boolean;
maxLineLen?: number | false;
preamble?: string;
preserveAnnotations?: boolean;
quoteKeys?: boolean;
quoteStyle?: boolean;
safari10?: boolean;
semicolons?: boolean;
shebang?: boolean;
webkit?: boolean;
wrapFuncArgs?: boolean;
wrapIife?: boolean;


asciiOnly?: boolean

Currently noop.

beautify?: boolean

Currently noop.

braces?: boolean

Currently noop.

comments?: false | "some" | "all"
  • false: removes all comments
  • 'some': preserves some comments
  • 'all': preserves all comments

Currently noop.

indentLevel?: number

Currently noop.

indentStart?: number

Currently noop.

inlineScript?: number

Currently noop.

keepNumbers?: number

Currently noop.

keepQuotedProps?: boolean

Currently noop.

maxLineLen?: number | false

Currently noop.

preamble?: string

Currently noop.

preserveAnnotations?: boolean

Currently noop.

quoteKeys?: boolean

Currently noop.

quoteStyle?: boolean

Currently noop.

safari10?: boolean

Currently noop.

semicolons?: boolean

Currently noop.

shebang?: boolean

Currently noop.

webkit?: boolean

Currently noop.

wrapFuncArgs?: boolean

Currently noop.

wrapIife?: boolean

Currently noop.