Route shouldRevalidate function signature. This runs after any submission (navigation or fetcher), so we flatten the navigation/fetcher submission onto the arguments. It shouldn't matter whether it came from a navigation or a fetcher, what really matters is the URLs and the formData since loaders have to re-run based on the data models that were potentially mutated.
interface ShouldRevalidateFunction {
(args: {
}currentUrl: URL;
currentParams: AgnosticDataRouteMatch["params"];
nextUrl: URL;
nextParams: AgnosticDataRouteMatch["params"];
formMethod?: Submission["formMethod"];
formAction?: Submission["formAction"];
formEncType?: Submission["formEncType"];
text?: Submission["text"];
formData?: Submission["formData"];
json?: Submission["json"];
actionResult?: DataResult;
defaultShouldRevalidate: boolean;
}): boolean;§Call Signatures
(args: {
[src]currentUrl: URL;
currentParams: AgnosticDataRouteMatch["params"];
nextUrl: URL;
nextParams: AgnosticDataRouteMatch["params"];
formMethod?: Submission["formMethod"];
formAction?: Submission["formAction"];
formEncType?: Submission["formEncType"];
text?: Submission["text"];
formData?: Submission["formData"];
json?: Submission["json"];
actionResult?: DataResult;
defaultShouldRevalidate: boolean;
}): boolean