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class PgDialect {
private buildSelection;
buildDeleteQuery({ table, where, returning }: PgDeleteConfig): SQL;
buildInsertQuery({ table, values, onConflict, returning }: PgInsertConfig): SQL;
buildRefreshMaterializedViewQuery({ view, concurrently, withNoData }: {
concurrently?: boolean;
withNoData?: boolean;
): SQL;
buildSelectQuery({ withList, fieldsList, where, having, table, joins, orderBy, groupBy, limit, offset, lockingClauses }: PgSelectConfig): SQL;
buildUpdateQuery({ table, set, where, returning }: PgUpdateConfig): SQL;
buildUpdateSet(table: AnyPgTable, set: UpdateSet): SQL;
escapeName(name: string): string;
escapeParam(num: number): string;
escapeString(str: string): string;
migrate(migrations: MigrationMeta[], session: PgSession): Promise<void>;
prepareTyping(encoder: DriverValueEncoder<unknown, unknown>): QueryTypingsValue;
sqlToQuery(sql: SQL): Query;



Builds selection SQL with provided fields/expressions


select <selection> from

insert ... returning <selection>

If isSingleTable is true, then columns won't be prefixed with table name


buildDeleteQuery({ table, where, returning }: PgDeleteConfig): SQL
buildInsertQuery({ table, values, onConflict, returning }: PgInsertConfig): SQL
buildRefreshMaterializedViewQuery({ view, concurrently, withNoData }: {
concurrently?: boolean;
withNoData?: boolean;
): SQL
buildSelectQuery({ withList, fieldsList, where, having, table, joins, orderBy, groupBy, limit, offset, lockingClauses }: PgSelectConfig): SQL
buildUpdateQuery({ table, set, where, returning }: PgUpdateConfig): SQL
buildUpdateSet(table: AnyPgTable, set: UpdateSet): SQL
escapeName(name: string): string
escapeParam(num: number): string
escapeString(str: string): string
migrate(migrations: MigrationMeta[], session: PgSession): Promise<void>
prepareTyping(encoder: DriverValueEncoder<unknown, unknown>): QueryTypingsValue
sqlToQuery(sql: SQL): Query