class PgDialect { }
private buildSelection;
buildRefreshMaterializedViewQuery({ view, concurrently, withNoData }: {
view: PgMaterializedView;
concurrently?: boolean;
withNoData?: boolean;
}): SQL;buildSelectQuery({ withList, fieldsList, where, having, table, joins, orderBy, groupBy, limit, offset, lockingClauses }: PgSelectConfig): SQL;
escapeName(name: string): string;
escapeParam(num: number): string;
escapeString(str: string): string;
[src]Builds selection SQL with provided fields/expressions
select <selection> from
insert ... returning <selection>
If isSingleTable
is true, then columns won't be prefixed with table name
buildDeleteQuery({ table, where, returning }: PgDeleteConfig): SQL
buildInsertQuery({ table, values, onConflict, returning }: PgInsertConfig): SQL
buildRefreshMaterializedViewQuery({ view, concurrently, withNoData }: {
[src]view: PgMaterializedView;
concurrently?: boolean;
withNoData?: boolean;
}): SQL§
buildSelectQuery({ withList, fieldsList, where, having, table, joins, orderBy, groupBy, limit, offset, lockingClauses }: PgSelectConfig): SQL
buildUpdateQuery({ table, set, where, returning }: PgUpdateConfig): SQL
prepareTyping(encoder: DriverValueEncoder<unknown, unknown>): QueryTypingsValue