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Merge the values from all observables to a single observable result.

Creates an observable, that when subscribed to, subscribes to the source observable, and all other sources provided as arguments. All values from every source are emitted from the resulting subscription.

When all sources complete, the resulting observable will complete.

When any source errors, the resulting observable will error.


Joining all outputs from multiple user input event streams

import { fromEvent, map, mergeWith } from 'rxjs';

const clicks$ = fromEvent(document, 'click').pipe(map(() => 'click'));
const mousemoves$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousemove').pipe(map(() => 'mousemove'));
const dblclicks$ = fromEvent(document, 'dblclick').pipe(map(() => 'dblclick'));

  .pipe(mergeWith(clicks$, dblclicks$))
  .subscribe(x => console.log(x));

// result (assuming user interactions)
// 'mousemove'
// 'mousemove'
// 'mousemove'
// 'click'
// 'click'
// 'dblclick'
function mergeWith<T, A extends readonly unknown[]>(...otherSources: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>]): OperatorFunction<T, T | A[number]>;
mergeWith<T, A extends readonly unknown[]>(...otherSources: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>]): OperatorFunction<T, T | A[number]>

§Type Parameters

A extends readonly unknown[]


...otherSources: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>] optional

the sources to combine the current source with.

§Return Type

OperatorFunction<T, T | A[number]>

A function that returns an Observable that merges the values from all given Observables.