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Create an observable that combines the latest values from all passed observables and the source into arrays and emits them.

Returns an observable, that when subscribed to, will subscribe to the source observable and all sources provided as arguments. Once all sources emit at least one value, all of the latest values will be emitted as an array. After that, every time any source emits a value, all of the latest values will be emitted as an array.

This is a useful operator for eagerly calculating values based off of changed inputs.


Simple concatenation of values from two inputs

import { fromEvent, combineLatestWith, map } from 'rxjs';

// Setup: Add two inputs to the page
const input1 = document.createElement('input');
const input2 = document.createElement('input');

// Get streams of changes
const input1Changes$ = fromEvent(input1, 'change');
const input2Changes$ = fromEvent(input2, 'change');

// Combine the changes by adding them together
  map(([e1, e2]) => (<HTMLInputElement>e1.target).value + ' - ' + (<HTMLInputElement>e2.target).value)
.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
function combineLatestWith<T, A extends readonly unknown[]>(...otherSources: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>]): OperatorFunction<T, Cons<T, A>>;
combineLatestWith<T, A extends readonly unknown[]>(...otherSources: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>]): OperatorFunction<T, Cons<T, A>>

§Type Parameters

A extends readonly unknown[]


...otherSources: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>] optional

the other sources to subscribe to.

§Return Type


A function that returns an Observable that emits the latest emissions from both source and provided Observables.