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interface TimeoutConfig <T, O extends ObservableInput<unknown> = ObservableInput<T>, M = unknown> {
each?: number;
first?: number | Date;
meta?: M;
scheduler?: SchedulerLike;
with?: (info: TimeoutInfo<T, M>) => O;

§Type Parameters

O extends ObservableInput<unknown> = ObservableInput<T>
M = unknown


each?: number

The time allowed between values from the source before timeout is triggered.

first?: number | Date

The relative time as a number in milliseconds, or a specific time as a Date object, by which the first value must arrive from the source before timeout is triggered.

meta?: M

Optional additional metadata you can provide to code that handles the timeout, will be provided through the TimeoutError. This can be used to help identify the source of a timeout or pass along other information related to the timeout.

scheduler?: SchedulerLike

The scheduler to use with time-related operations within this operator. Defaults to asyncScheduler

with?: (info: TimeoutInfo<T, M>) => O

A factory used to create observable to switch to when timeout occurs. Provides a TimeoutInfo about the source observable's emissions and what delay or exact time triggered the timeout.