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The retry operator configuration object. retry either accepts a number or an object described by this interface.

interface RetryConfig {
count?: number;
delay?: number | ((error: any, retryCount: number) => ObservableInput<any>);
resetOnSuccess?: boolean;


count?: number

The maximum number of times to retry. If count is omitted, retry will try to resubscribe on errors infinite number of times.

delay?: number | ((error: any, retryCount: number) => ObservableInput<any>)

The number of milliseconds to delay before retrying, OR a function to return a notifier for delaying. If a function is given, that function should return a notifier that, when it emits will retry the source. If the notifier completes without emitting, the resulting observable will complete without error, if the notifier errors, the error will be pushed to the result.

resetOnSuccess?: boolean

Whether or not to reset the retry counter when the retried subscription emits its first value.