AsyncCompress | Asynchronous streaming GZIP compression |
AsyncDecompress | Asynchronous streaming GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE decompression |
AsyncDeflate | Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE compression |
AsyncGunzip | Asynchronous streaming single or multi-member GZIP decompression |
AsyncGzip | Asynchronous streaming GZIP compression |
AsyncInflate | Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE decompression |
AsyncUnzipInflate | Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE decompression for ZIP archives |
AsyncUnzlib | Asynchronous streaming Zlib decompression |
AsyncZipDeflate | Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE compression for ZIP archives |
AsyncZlib | Asynchronous streaming Zlib compression |
Compress | Streaming GZIP compression |
DecodeUTF8 | Streaming UTF-8 decoding |
Decompress | Streaming GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE decompression |
Deflate | Streaming DEFLATE compression |
EncodeUTF8 | Streaming UTF-8 encoding |
Gunzip | Streaming single or multi-member GZIP decompression |
Gzip | Streaming GZIP compression |
Inflate | Streaming DEFLATE decompression |
Unzip | A ZIP archive decompression stream that emits files as they are discovered |
UnzipInflate | Streaming DEFLATE decompression for ZIP archives. Prefer AsyncZipInflate for better performance. |
UnzipPassThrough | Streaming pass-through decompression for ZIP archives |
Unzlib | Streaming Zlib decompression |
Zip | A zippable archive to which files can incrementally be added |
ZipDeflate | Streaming DEFLATE compression for ZIP archives. Prefer using AsyncZipDeflate for better performance |
ZipPassThrough | A pass-through stream to keep data uncompressed in a ZIP archive. |
Zlib | Streaming Zlib compression |
FlateErrorCode | Codes for errors generated within this library |
compress | Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP |
compressSync | Compresses data with GZIP |
decompress | Asynchrononously expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format |
decompressSync | Expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format |
deflate | Asynchronously compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper |
deflateSync | Compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper |
gunzip | Asynchronously expands GZIP data |
gunzipSync | Expands GZIP data |
gzip | Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP |
gzipSync | Compresses data with GZIP |
inflate | Asynchronously expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper |
inflateSync | Expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper |
strFromU8 | Converts a Uint8Array to a string |
strToU8 | Converts a string into a Uint8Array for use with compression/decompression methods |
unzip | Asynchronously decompresses a ZIP archive |
unzipSync | Synchronously decompresses a ZIP archive. Prefer using |
unzlib | Asynchronously expands Zlib data |
unzlibSync | Expands Zlib data |
zip | Asynchronously creates a ZIP file |
zipSync | Synchronously creates a ZIP file. Prefer using |
zlib | Asynchronously compresses data with Zlib |
zlibSync | Compress data with Zlib |
AsyncDeflateOptions | Options for compressing data asynchronously into a DEFLATE format |
AsyncGunzipOptions | Options for decompressing GZIP data asynchronously |
AsyncGzipOptions | Options for compressing data asynchronously into a GZIP format |
AsyncInflateOptions | Options for decompressing DEFLATE data asynchronously |
AsyncTerminable | A terminable compression/decompression process |
AsyncUnzipOptions | Options for asynchronously expanding a ZIP archive |
AsyncUnzlibOptions | Options for decompressing Zlib data asynchronously |
AsyncZipOptions | Options for asynchronously creating a ZIP archive |
AsyncZippable | The complete directory structure of an asynchronously ZIPpable archive |
AsyncZlibOptions | Options for compressing data asynchronously into a Zlib format |
DeflateOptions | Options for compressing data into a DEFLATE format |
FlateError | An error generated within this library |
GunzipOptions | Options for decompressing GZIP data |
GunzipStreamOptions | Options for decompressing a GZIP stream |
GzipOptions | Options for compressing data into a GZIP format |
InflateOptions | Options for decompressing DEFLATE data |
InflateStreamOptions | Options for decompressing a DEFLATE stream |
UnzipDecoder | A decoder for files in ZIP streams |
UnzipDecoderConstructor | A constructor for a decoder for unzip streams |
UnzipFile | Streaming file extraction from ZIP archives |
UnzipFileInfo | Information about a file to be extracted from a ZIP archive |
UnzipOptions | Options for expanding a ZIP archive |
Unzipped | An unzipped archive. The full path of each file is used as the key, and the file is the value |
UnzlibOptions | Options for decompressing Zlib data |
UnzlibStreamOptions | Options for decompressing a Zlib stream |
ZipAttributes | Attributes for files added to a ZIP archive object |
ZipInputFile | A stream that can be used to create a file in a ZIP archive |
ZipOptions | Options for creating a ZIP archive |
Zippable | The complete directory structure of a ZIPpable archive |
ZlibOptions | Options for compressing data into a Zlib format |
AsyncFlateDrainHandler | Handler for the asynchronous completion of (de)compression for a data chunk |
AsyncFlateStreamHandler | Handler for asynchronous data (de)compression streams |
AsyncZippableFile | A file that can be used to asynchronously create a ZIP archive |
FlateCallback | Callback for asynchronous (de)compression methods |
FlateStreamHandler | Handler for data (de)compression streams |
GunzipMemberHandler | Handler for new GZIP members in concatenated GZIP streams. Useful for building indices used to perform random-access reads on compressed files. |
StringStreamHandler | Handler for string generation streams |
UnzipCallback | Callback for asynchronous ZIP decompression |
UnzipFileFilter | A filter for files to be extracted during the unzipping process |
UnzipFileHandler | Handler for streaming ZIP decompression |
ZippableFile | A file that can be used to create a ZIP archive |