AuthApiError | |
AuthError | |
AuthImplicitGrantRedirectError | |
AuthInvalidCredentialsError | |
AuthInvalidJwtError | |
AuthInvalidTokenResponseError | |
AuthPKCEGrantCodeExchangeError | |
AuthRetryableFetchError | |
AuthSessionMissingError | |
AuthUnknownError | |
AuthWeakPasswordError | This error is thrown on certain methods when the password used is deemed weak. Inspect the reasons to identify what password strength rules are inadequate. |
CustomAuthError | |
FunctionsError | |
FunctionsFetchError | |
FunctionsHttpError | |
FunctionsRelayError | |
GoTrueAdminApi | |
GoTrueClient | |
NavigatorLockAcquireTimeoutError | |
PostgrestError | Error format |
RealtimeChannel | A channel is the basic building block of Realtime and narrows the scope of data flow to subscribed clients. You can think of a channel as a chatroom where participants are able to see who's online and send and receive messages. |
RealtimeClient | |
RealtimePresence | |
SupabaseClient | Supabase Client. |
FunctionRegion | |
AuthAdminApi | |
AuthClient | |
createClient | Creates a new Supabase Client. |
lockInternals | |
isAuthApiError | |
isAuthError | |
isAuthImplicitGrantRedirectError | |
isAuthRetryableFetchError | |
isAuthSessionMissingError | |
isAuthWeakPasswordError | |
navigatorLock | Implements a global exclusive lock using the Navigator LockManager API. It is available on all browsers released after 2022-03-15 with Safari being the last one to release support. If the API is not available, this function will throw. Make sure you check availablility before configuring GoTrueClient. |
AdminUserAttributes | |
AMREntry | An authentication methord reference (AMR) entry. |
AuthSession | |
AuthUser | |
Factor | A MFA factor. |
GenerateLinkOptions | |
GoTrueAdminMFAApi | Contains the full multi-factor authentication administration API. |
GoTrueMFAApi | Contains the full multi-factor authentication API. |
JWK | |
Session | |
Subscription | |
User | |
UserAppMetadata | |
UserAttributes | |
UserIdentity | |
UserMetadata | |
VerifyEmailOtpParams | |
VerifyMobileOtpParams | |
VerifyTokenHashParams |