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🔑 A strongly typed Pylon API client.
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import * as tpy from "";



GET /deployments/*

POST /deployments/*

Not an API resource, this namespace behaves as templates and other base types.


GET /guilds

Not an API resource, this namespace behaves as templates and other base types.


GET /user

GET /user/guilds


The Tpy WebSocket manager.


A deployment's 'up' status. Altered by Pylon administrators.

The type of deployment.

A library specific enum for describing errors.

Type Aliases

GET /deployments/:id

POST /deployments/:id Request

POST /deployments/:id Response

The base structure of some deployment related responses.

Deployment configurations. Recieved stringified.

The current project's files and information.

Pylon uses FastAPI, this is a FastAPI error.

GET /guilds/:id

GET /guilds/:id/stats

Base guild payload.

GET /user/guilds/available

GET /user/guilds

GET /user