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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
variable curryN
import { curryN } from "";

Returns a curried equivalent of the provided function, with the specified arity. The curried function has two unusual capabilities. First, its arguments needn't be provided one at a time. If g is R.curryN(3, f), the following are equivalent:

  • g(1)(2)(3)
  • g(1)(2, 3)
  • g(1, 2)(3)
  • g(1, 2, 3)

Secondly, the special placeholder value R.__ may be used to specify "gaps", allowing partial application of any combination of arguments, regardless of their positions. If g is as above and _ is R.__, the following are equivalent:

  • g(1, 2, 3)
  • g(_, 2, 3)(1)
  • g(_, _, 3)(1)(2)
  • g(_, _, 3)(1, 2)
  • g(_, 2)(1)(3)
  • g(_, 2)(1, 3)
  • g(_, 2)(_, 3)(1)