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A powerful logging framework for Deno
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import * as optic from "";



An abstract base class for streams, using string based logs.

A stream to send log messages to the console. By default it uses the TokenReplacer log formatter with color.

Represents an unknown profile mark where a user has specified a mark which doesn't exist


Default log levels


Represents the mark label for 'now'

Represents the mark label for the start of the process


Translate Level enum to string value

Returns the length of the longest log level name. This is used when formatting the level to allow all levels to be padded with spaces to the same length as the longest level name.

Translate string value to Level, or Level.Info if not found


Interface for defining a class to format a Date to string

Interface for defining a class to model logic for filtering out log records from streams

Interface for formatting log records

Metadata around the logger itself, used for outputting headers and footers in the logging endpoint

The core data captured during a log event

Formatter of output of profiling information to logs

Interface for defining a class to monitor log records and optionally take action

Represents a point in time snapshot of application profiling

Defines the flow of log records to a logging endpoint

Interface for defining a class to model logic for transforming log records

Type Aliases

Define a function type for formatting Date to string

Define a filter which takes in a stream and logRecord and returns true if the log record should be filtered out for this stream.

Define a monitor. Monitors spy on log records and do not interfere in any way with the log process. Monitors may take additional actions based on conditions met by the log record, collect stats, etc..

Define an transformer for transforming a log record. The output will be either the same log record, untouched, or a new log record based on the original, but with one or more change present.