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Refer to nestjs to realize some common functions for Deno, support hono and oak
import * as oakNest from "";


Instantiate a BadGatewayException Exception.

Instantiate a BadRequestException Exception.

Instantiate a BodyParamValidationException Exception.

Instantiate a ConflictException Exception.

Instantiate a ForbiddenException Exception.

Instantiate a GatewayTimeoutException Exception.

Instantiate a GoneException Exception.

Instantiate a HttpVersionNotSupportedException Exception.

Instantiate an ImATeapotException Exception.

Instantiate an InternalServerErrorException Exception.


Instantiate a MethodNotAllowedException Exception.

Instantiate a NotAcceptableException Exception.

Instantiate a NotFoundException Exception.

Instantiate a NotImplementedException Exception.

Instantiate a PayloadTooLargeException Exception.

Instantiate a PreconditionFailedException Exception.

Instantiate a RequestTimeoutException Exception.

Instantiate a ServiceUnavailableException Exception.

Instantiate an UnauthorizedException Exception.

Instantiate an UnprocessableEntityException Exception.

Instantiate an UnsupportedMediaTypeException Exception.

Validation error description.


Standard HTTP status codes.


Make an assertion, error will be thrown if expr does not have truthy value.

Set background color to blue.

Set background color using 24bit rgb. color can be a number in range 0x000000 to 0xffffff or an Rgb.

Set background color using paletted 8bit colors.

Set text color to blue.

Make the text bold.

Cache decorator

Decorator that marks a class as a Nest exception filter. An exception filter handles exceptions thrown by or not handled by your application code.

Takes an input date and a formatString to format to a string.

Set text color to green.

Inject decorator

Make the text italic.

Get params by router

get the params from the request, if has key, then return the value which is parse by it`s type

Set text color to red.

A default metadata decorator factory that can be used on a class, class member, or parameter.

Set text color using 24bit rgb. color can be a number in range 0x000000 to 0xffffff or an Rgb.

Set text color using paletted 8bit colors.

Decorator that assigns metadata to the class/function using the specified key.

Decorator that binds exception filters to the scope of the controller or method, depending on its context.

Validates given object and reject on error.

Set text color to yellow.


Interface defining a Class type provider.

Interface defining a Dynamic Module.

Interface describing implementation of an exception filter.

Interface defining an Existing (aliased) type provider.

Interface defining a Factory type provider.

Interface describing implementation of an interceptor.

Interface describing options for serving static assets.

Interface defining a Value type provider.