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Type-safe Helm - the right way to do Infrastructure as Code in Kubernetes
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DaemonSet represents the configuration of a daemon set.

Deployment enables declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.

StatefulSet represents a set of pods with consistent identities. Identities are defined as: - Network: A single stable DNS and hostname. - Storage: As many VolumeClaims as requested. The StatefulSet guarantees that a given network identity will always map to the same storage identity.

Job represents the configuration of a single job.

ConfigMap holds configuration data for pods to consume.

Selects a key from a ConfigMap.

A single application container that you want to run within a pod.

ContainerPort represents a network port in a single container.

EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.

Namespace provides a scope for Names. Use of multiple namespaces is optional.

PersistentVolume (PV) is a storage resource provisioned by an administrator. It is analogous to a node. More info:

PersistentVolumeClaim is a user's request for and claim to a persistent volume

Probe describes a health check to be performed against a container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.

Secret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.

Service is a named abstraction of software service (for example, mysql) consisting of local port (for example 3306) that the proxy listens on, and the selector that determines which pods will answer requests sent through the proxy.

ServiceAccount binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets

Volume represents a named volume in a pod that may be accessed by any container in the pod.

VolumeMount describes a mounting of a Volume within a container.

Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.

ClusterRole is a cluster level, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding.

ClusterRoleBinding references a ClusterRole, but not contain it. It can reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace, and adds who information via Subject.

Role is a namespaced, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding.

RoleBinding references a role, but does not contain it. It can reference a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. It adds who information via Subjects and namespace information by which namespace it exists in. RoleBindings in a given namespace only have effect in that namespace.

StorageClass describes the parameters for a class of storage for which PersistentVolumes can be dynamically provisioned. StorageClasses are non-namespaced; the name of the storage class according to etcd is in ObjectMeta.Name.