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🐔 Coward is a Deno module for easy interaction with the Discord API.
import * as coward from "";


Namespace for functions


Class representing a channel

Class representing the main client

Class representing a DM channel

Class representing a guild

Class representing a channel in a guild

Class representing a channel category in a guild

Class representing an emoji in a guild

Class representing a guild member

Class representing a news channel in a guild

Class representing a store channel in a guild

Class representing a text channel in a guild

Class representing a voice channel in a guild

Class representing a message

Class representing a custom reaction emoji

Class representing a standard reaction emoji

Class representing a Role

Class representing a user


Fired when a channel is created.

Fired when a channel is deleted.

Fired when a message is pinned or unpinned in a text channel. This is not fired when a pinned message is deleted.

Fired when a channel is updated.

Fired when a user is banned from a guild.

Fired when a user is unbanned from a guild.

Fired when - The client is initally connecting. - A guild becomes available to the client. - The client joins a guild.

Fired when - The client leaves or is removed from a guild. - A guild becomes unavailable.

Fired when a guild's emojis have been updated.

Fired when a guild's integrations are updated.

Fired when a new user joins a guild.

Fired when a user leaves or is removed from a guild.

Fired when a guild member is updated.

Fired when a guild role is created.

Fired when a guild role is deleted.

Fired when a guild role is updated.

Fired when a message is created.

Fired when a message is deleted.

Fired when messages are deleted in bulk.

TODO: Fired when a reaction is added to a message.

TODO: Fired when a reaction is removed from a message.

TODO: Fired when a user removes all reactions from a message.

Fired when a message is updated.

Fired when the client is ready.

Fired when a user starts typing in a channel.