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A Temporal.PlainTime represents a wall-clock time, with a precision in nanoseconds, and without any time zone. "Wall-clock time" refers to the concept of a time as expressed in everyday usage — the time that you read off the clock on the wall. For example, it could be used to represent an event that happens daily at a certain time, no matter what time zone.

Temporal.PlainTime refers to a time with no associated calendar date; if you need to refer to a specific time on a specific day, use Temporal.PlainDateTime. A Temporal.PlainTime can be converted into a Temporal.PlainDateTime by combining it with a Temporal.PlainDate using the toPlainDateTime() method.

See https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/docs/time.html for more details.

class PlainTime {
hour?: number,
minute?: number,
second?: number,
millisecond?: number,
microsecond?: number,
nanosecond?: number,
readonly calendar: Temporal.Calendar;
readonly hour: number;
readonly microsecond: number;
readonly millisecond: number;
readonly minute: number;
readonly nanosecond: number;
readonly second: number;
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "Temporal.PlainTime";
add(durationLike: Temporal.Duration | DurationLike | string, options?: ArithmeticOptions): Temporal.PlainTime;
equals(other: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string): boolean;
getISOFields(): PlainTimeISOFields;
round(roundTo: RoundTo<"hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | "microsecond" | "nanosecond">): Temporal.PlainTime;
since(other: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string, options?: DifferenceOptions<"hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | "microsecond" | "nanosecond">): Temporal.Duration;
subtract(durationLike: Temporal.Duration | DurationLike | string, options?: ArithmeticOptions): Temporal.PlainTime;
toJSON(): string;
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
toPlainDateTime(temporalDate: Temporal.PlainDate | PlainDateLike | string): Temporal.PlainDateTime;
toString(options?: ToStringPrecisionOptions): string;
toZonedDateTime(timeZoneAndDate: {
timeZone: TimeZoneLike;
plainDate: Temporal.PlainDate | PlainDateLike | string;
): Temporal.ZonedDateTime;
until(other: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string, options?: DifferenceOptions<"hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | "microsecond" | "nanosecond">): Temporal.Duration;
valueOf(): never;
static compare(one: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string, two: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string): ComparisonResult;
static from(item: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string, options?: AssignmentOptions): Temporal.PlainTime;


new PlainTime(hour?: number, minute?: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number, microsecond?: number, nanosecond?: number)


hour: number
microsecond: number
millisecond: number
minute: number
nanosecond: number
second: number
[Symbol.toStringTag]: "Temporal.PlainTime"


equals(other: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string): boolean
getISOFields(): PlainTimeISOFields
round(roundTo: RoundTo<"hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | "microsecond" | "nanosecond">): Temporal.PlainTime
since(other: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string, options?: DifferenceOptions<"hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | "microsecond" | "nanosecond">): Temporal.Duration
subtract(durationLike: Temporal.Duration | DurationLike | string, options?: ArithmeticOptions): Temporal.PlainTime
toJSON(): string
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string
toPlainDateTime(temporalDate: Temporal.PlainDate | PlainDateLike | string): Temporal.PlainDateTime
toString(options?: ToStringPrecisionOptions): string
toZonedDateTime(timeZoneAndDate: {
timeZone: TimeZoneLike;
plainDate: Temporal.PlainDate | PlainDateLike | string;
): Temporal.ZonedDateTime
until(other: Temporal.PlainTime | PlainTimeLike | string, options?: DifferenceOptions<"hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | "microsecond" | "nanosecond">): Temporal.Duration
valueOf(): never

§Static Methods