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Implements the "Validation" section of the spec.

Validation runs synchronously, returning an array of encountered errors, or an empty array if no errors were encountered and the document is valid.

A list of specific validation rules may be provided. If not provided, the default list of rules defined by the GraphQL specification will be used.

Each validation rules is a function which returns a visitor (see the language/visitor API). Visitor methods are expected to return GraphQLErrors, or Arrays of GraphQLErrors when invalid.

Validate will stop validation after a maxErrors limit has been reached. Attackers can send pathologically invalid queries to induce a DoS attack, so by default maxErrors set to 100 errors.

Optionally a custom TypeInfo instance may be provided. If not provided, one will be created from the provided schema.

function validate(
schema: GraphQLSchema,
documentAST: DocumentNode,
rules?: ReadonlyArray<ValidationRule>,
options?: {
maxErrors?: number;
typeInfo?: TypeInfo,
): ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>;
validate(schema: GraphQLSchema, documentAST: DocumentNode, rules?: ReadonlyArray<ValidationRule>, options?: {
maxErrors?: number;
, typeInfo?: TypeInfo): ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>


documentAST: DocumentNode
rules?: ReadonlyArray<ValidationRule> optional
options?: {
maxErrors?: number;
typeInfo?: TypeInfo optional

§Return Type
