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Prepares an object map of variableValues of the correct type based on the provided variable definitions and arbitrary input. If the input cannot be parsed to match the variable definitions, a GraphQLError will be thrown.

Note: The returned value is a plain Object with a prototype, since it is exposed to user code. Care should be taken to not pull values from the Object prototype.

function getVariableValues(
schema: GraphQLSchema,
varDefNodes: ReadonlyArray<VariableDefinitionNode>,
inputs: {
readonly [variable: string]: unknown;
options?: {
maxErrors?: number;
): CoercedVariableValues;
getVariableValues(schema: GraphQLSchema, varDefNodes: ReadonlyArray<VariableDefinitionNode>, inputs: {
readonly [variable: string]: unknown;
, options?: {
maxErrors?: number;
): CoercedVariableValues


varDefNodes: ReadonlyArray<VariableDefinitionNode>
inputs: {
readonly [variable: string]: unknown;
options?: {
maxErrors?: number;

§Return Type
