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Wrapper type that contains DocumentNode and types that can be deduced from it.

interface TypedQueryDocumentNode <TResponseData = {
[key: string]: any;
, TRequestVariables = {
[key: string]: any;
extends DocumentNode {
__ensureTypesOfVariablesAndResultMatching?: (variables: TRequestVariables) => TResponseData;
readonly definitions: ReadonlyArray<ExecutableDefinitionNode>;

§Type Parameters

TResponseData = {
[key: string]: any;
TRequestVariables = {
[key: string]: any;



__ensureTypesOfVariablesAndResultMatching?: (variables: TRequestVariables) => TResponseData

This type is used to ensure that the variables you pass in to the query are assignable to Variables and that the Result is assignable to whatever you pass your result to. The method is never actually implemented, but the type is valid because we list it as optional

readonly definitions: ReadonlyArray<ExecutableDefinitionNode>