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A visitor is comprised of visit functions, which are called on each node during the visitor's traversal.

type ASTVisitFn<TVisitedNode extends ASTNode> = (
node: TVisitedNode,
key: string | number | undefined,
parent: ASTNode | ReadonlyArray<ASTNode> | undefined,
path: ReadonlyArray<string | number>,
ancestors: ReadonlyArray<ASTNode | ReadonlyArray<ASTNode>>,
) => any

§Type Parameters

TVisitedNode extends ASTNode


(node: TVisitedNode, key: string | number | undefined, parent: ASTNode | ReadonlyArray<ASTNode> | undefined, path: ReadonlyArray<string | number>, ancestors: ReadonlyArray<ASTNode | ReadonlyArray<ASTNode>>) => any