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A plugin that converts snake_case identifiers in the database into camelCase in the javascript side.

For example let's assume we have a table called person_table with columns first_name and last_name in the database. When using CamelCasePlugin we would setup Kysely like this:

interface Person {
  firstName: string
  lastName: string

interface Database {
  personTable: Person

const db = new Kysely<Database>({
  dialect: new PostgresDialect({
    database: 'kysely_test',
    host: 'localhost',
  plugins: [
    new CamelCasePlugin()

const person = await db.selectFrom('personTable')
  .where('firstName', '=', 'Arnold')
  .select(['firstName', 'lastName'])

// generated sql:
// select first_name, last_name from person_table where first_name = $1

if (person) {

As you can see from the example, everything needs to be defined in camelCase in the typescript code: table names, columns, schemas, everything. When using the CamelCasePlugin Kysely works as if the database was defined in camelCase.

There are various options you can give to the plugin to modify the way identifiers are converted. See CamelCasePluginOptions. If those options are not enough, you can override this plugin's snakeCase and camelCase methods to make the conversion exactly the way you like:

class MyCamelCasePlugin extends CamelCasePlugin {
  protected override snakeCase(str: string): string {
    return mySnakeCase(str)

  protected override camelCase(str: string): string {
    return myCamelCase(str)
class CamelCasePlugin implements KyselyPlugin {
constructor(opt?: CamelCasePluginOptions);
readonly opt: CamelCasePluginOptions;
protected camelCase(str: string): string;
protected mapRow(row: UnknownRow): UnknownRow;
protected snakeCase(str: string): string;
transformResult(args: PluginTransformResultArgs): Promise<QueryResult<UnknownRow>>;



new CamelCasePlugin(opt?: CamelCasePluginOptions)



camelCase(str: string): string protected
mapRow(row: UnknownRow): UnknownRow protected
snakeCase(str: string): string protected

This is called for each query before it is executed. You can modify the query by transforming its OperationNode tree provided in args.node and returning the transformed tree. You'd usually want to use an OperationNodeTransformer for this.

If you need to pass some query-related data between this method and transformResult you can use a WeakMap with args.queryId as the key:

const plugin = {
  data: new WeakMap<QueryId, SomeData>(),

  transformQuery(args: PluginTransformQueryArgs): RootOperationNode {
    this.data.set(args.queryId, something)
    return args.node

  transformResult(args: PluginTransformResultArgs): QueryResult<UnknownRow> {
    const data = this.data.get(args.queryId)
    return args.result

You should use a WeakMap instead of a Map or some other strong references because transformQuery is not always matched by a call to transformResult which would leave orphaned items in the map and cause a memory leak.

transformResult(args: PluginTransformResultArgs): Promise<QueryResult<UnknownRow>>

This method is called for each query after it has been executed. The result of the query can be accessed through args.result. You can modify the result and return the modifier result.