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import type { DisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolioInput } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.4/services/servicecatalog.ts?docs=full";
interface DisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolioInput {
AcceptLanguage?: string | null;
PortfolioId: string;
PrincipalARN: string;
PrincipalType?: PrincipalType | null;


AcceptLanguage?: string | null

The language code.

  • en - English (default)
  • jp - Japanese
  • zh - Chinese
PortfolioId: string

The portfolio identifier.

PrincipalARN: string

The ARN of the principal (IAM user, role, or group). This field allows an ARN with no accountID if PrincipalType is IAM_PATTERN.

PrincipalType?: PrincipalType | null

The supported value is IAM if you use a fully defined ARN, or IAM_PATTERN if you use no accountID.