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import { IoTSecureTunneling } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.4/services/iotsecuretunneling.ts?docs=full";
class IoTSecureTunneling {
constructor(apiFactory: client.ApiFactory);
async closeTunnel(params: CloseTunnelRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>;
async describeTunnel(params: DescribeTunnelRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<DescribeTunnelResponse>;
async listTagsForResource(params: ListTagsForResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListTagsForResourceResponse>;
async listTunnels(params?: ListTunnelsRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListTunnelsResponse>;
async openTunnel(params?: OpenTunnelRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<OpenTunnelResponse>;
async rotateTunnelAccessToken(params: RotateTunnelAccessTokenRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<RotateTunnelAccessTokenResponse>;
async tagResource(params: TagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>;
async untagResource(params: UntagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>;
static ApiMetadata: client.ApiMetadata;


new IoTSecureTunneling(apiFactory: client.ApiFactory)


closeTunnel(params: CloseTunnelRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>

Closes a tunnel identified by the unique tunnel id. When a CloseTunnel request is received, we close the WebSocket connections between the client and proxy server so no data can be transmitted.

Requires permission to access the CloseTunnel action.


Gets information about a tunnel identified by the unique tunnel id.

Requires permission to access the DescribeTunnel action.


Lists the tags for the specified resource.

listTunnels(params?: ListTunnelsRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListTunnelsResponse>

List all tunnels for an Amazon Web Services account. Tunnels are listed by creation time in descending order, newer tunnels will be listed before older tunnels.

Requires permission to access the ListTunnels action.

openTunnel(params?: OpenTunnelRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<OpenTunnelResponse>

Creates a new tunnel, and returns two client access tokens for clients to use to connect to the IoT Secure Tunneling proxy server.

Requires permission to access the OpenTunnel action.


Revokes the current client access token (CAT) and returns new CAT for clients to use when reconnecting to secure tunneling to access the same tunnel.

Requires permission to access the RotateTunnelAccessToken action.

Note: Rotating the CAT doesn't extend the tunnel duration. For example, say the tunnel duration is 12 hours and the tunnel has already been open for 4 hours. When you rotate the access tokens, the new tokens that are generated can only be used for the remaining 8 hours.

tagResource(params: TagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>

A resource tag.

untagResource(params: UntagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>

Removes a tag from a resource.

§Static Properties