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import type { UserDefinedFunction } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.4/services/glue.ts?docs=full";

Represents the equivalent of a Hive user-defined function (UDF) definition.

interface UserDefinedFunction {
CatalogId?: string | null;
ClassName?: string | null;
CreateTime?: Date | number | null;
DatabaseName?: string | null;
FunctionName?: string | null;
OwnerName?: string | null;
OwnerType?: PrincipalType | null;
ResourceUris?: ResourceUri[] | null;


CatalogId?: string | null

The ID of the Data Catalog in which the function resides.

ClassName?: string | null

The Java class that contains the function code.

CreateTime?: Date | number | null

The time at which the function was created.

DatabaseName?: string | null

The name of the catalog database that contains the function.

FunctionName?: string | null

The name of the function.

OwnerName?: string | null

The owner of the function.

OwnerType?: PrincipalType | null

The owner type.

ResourceUris?: ResourceUri[] | null

The resource URIs for the function.