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import type { RouteHasOutOfScopeEndpointViolation } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.4/services/fms.ts?docs=full";

Contains details about the route endpoint that violates the policy scope.

interface RouteHasOutOfScopeEndpointViolation {
CurrentFirewallSubnetRouteTable?: string | null;
CurrentInternetGatewayRouteTable?: string | null;
FirewallSubnetId?: string | null;
FirewallSubnetRoutes?: Route[] | null;
InternetGatewayId?: string | null;
InternetGatewayRoutes?: Route[] | null;
RouteTableId?: string | null;
SubnetAvailabilityZone?: string | null;
SubnetAvailabilityZoneId?: string | null;
SubnetId?: string | null;
ViolatingRoutes?: Route[] | null;
VpcId?: string | null;


CurrentFirewallSubnetRouteTable?: string | null

The route table associated with the current firewall subnet.

CurrentInternetGatewayRouteTable?: string | null

The current route table associated with the Internet Gateway.

FirewallSubnetId?: string | null

The ID of the firewall subnet.

FirewallSubnetRoutes?: Route[] | null

The list of firewall subnet routes.

InternetGatewayId?: string | null

The ID of the Internet Gateway.

InternetGatewayRoutes?: Route[] | null

The routes in the route table associated with the Internet Gateway.

RouteTableId?: string | null

The ID of the route table.

SubnetAvailabilityZone?: string | null

The subnet's Availability Zone.

SubnetAvailabilityZoneId?: string | null

The ID of the subnet's Availability Zone.

SubnetId?: string | null

The ID of the subnet associated with the route that violates the policy scope.

ViolatingRoutes?: Route[] | null

The list of routes that violate the route table.

VpcId?: string | null

The VPC ID of the route that violates the policy scope.