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import type { CreateApplicationRequest } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.4/services/emrserverless.ts?docs=full";
interface CreateApplicationRequest {
architecture?: Architecture | null;
autoStartConfiguration?: AutoStartConfig | null;
autoStopConfiguration?: AutoStopConfig | null;
clientToken: string;
imageConfiguration?: ImageConfigurationInput | null;
initialCapacity?: {
[key: string]: InitialCapacityConfig | null | undefined;
| null;
maximumCapacity?: MaximumAllowedResources | null;
name?: string | null;
networkConfiguration?: NetworkConfiguration | null;
releaseLabel: string;
tags?: {
[key: string]: string | null | undefined;
| null;
type: string;
workerTypeSpecifications?: {
[key: string]: WorkerTypeSpecificationInput | null | undefined;
| null;


architecture?: Architecture | null

The CPU architecture of an application.

autoStartConfiguration?: AutoStartConfig | null

The configuration for an application to automatically start on job submission.

autoStopConfiguration?: AutoStopConfig | null

The configuration for an application to automatically stop after a certain amount of time being idle.

clientToken: string

The client idempotency token of the application to create. Its value must be unique for each request.

imageConfiguration?: ImageConfigurationInput | null

The image configuration for all worker types. You can either set this parameter or imageConfiguration for each worker type in workerTypeSpecifications.

initialCapacity?: {
[key: string]: InitialCapacityConfig | null | undefined;
| null

The capacity to initialize when the application is created.

maximumCapacity?: MaximumAllowedResources | null

The maximum capacity to allocate when the application is created. This is cumulative across all workers at any given point in time, not just when an application is created. No new resources will be created once any one of the defined limits is hit.

name?: string | null

The name of the application.

networkConfiguration?: NetworkConfiguration | null

The network configuration for customer VPC connectivity.

releaseLabel: string

The EMR release associated with the application.

tags?: {
[key: string]: string | null | undefined;
| null

The tags assigned to the application.

type: string

The type of application you want to start, such as Spark or Hive.

workerTypeSpecifications?: {
[key: string]: WorkerTypeSpecificationInput | null | undefined;
| null

The key-value pairs that specify worker type to WorkerTypeSpecificationInput. This parameter must contain all valid worker types for a Spark or Hive application. Valid worker types include Driver and Executor for Spark applications and HiveDriver and TezTask for Hive applications. You can either set image details in this parameter for each worker type, or in imageConfiguration for all worker types.