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import { CodeStarNotifications } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.4/services/codestarnotifications.ts?docs=full";
class CodeStarNotifications {
constructor(apiFactory: client.ApiFactory);
async createNotificationRule(params: CreateNotificationRuleRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<CreateNotificationRuleResult>;
async deleteNotificationRule(params: DeleteNotificationRuleRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<DeleteNotificationRuleResult>;
async deleteTarget(params: DeleteTargetRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>;
async describeNotificationRule(params: DescribeNotificationRuleRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<DescribeNotificationRuleResult>;
async listEventTypes(params?: ListEventTypesRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListEventTypesResult>;
async listNotificationRules(params?: ListNotificationRulesRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListNotificationRulesResult>;
async listTagsForResource(params: ListTagsForResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListTagsForResourceResult>;
async listTargets(params?: ListTargetsRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListTargetsResult>;
async subscribe(params: SubscribeRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<SubscribeResult>;
async tagResource(params: TagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<TagResourceResult>;
async unsubscribe(params: UnsubscribeRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<UnsubscribeResult>;
async untagResource(params: UntagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>;
async updateNotificationRule(params: UpdateNotificationRuleRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>;
static ApiMetadata: client.ApiMetadata;


new CodeStarNotifications(apiFactory: client.ApiFactory)



Creates a notification rule for a resource. The rule specifies the events you want notifications about and the targets (such as Chatbot topics or Chatbot clients configured for Slack) where you want to receive them.


Deletes a notification rule for a resource.

deleteTarget(params: DeleteTargetRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>

Deletes a specified target for notifications.


Returns information about a specified notification rule.

listEventTypes(params?: ListEventTypesRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListEventTypesResult>

Returns information about the event types available for configuring notifications.


Returns a list of the notification rules for an Amazon Web Services account.


Returns a list of the tags associated with a notification rule.

listTargets(params?: ListTargetsRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<ListTargetsResult>

Returns a list of the notification rule targets for an Amazon Web Services account.

subscribe(params: SubscribeRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<SubscribeResult>

Creates an association between a notification rule and an Chatbot topic or Chatbot client so that the associated target can receive notifications when the events described in the rule are triggered.

tagResource(params: TagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<TagResourceResult>

Associates a set of provided tags with a notification rule.

unsubscribe(params: UnsubscribeRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<UnsubscribeResult>

Removes an association between a notification rule and an Chatbot topic so that subscribers to that topic stop receiving notifications when the events described in the rule are triggered.

untagResource(params: UntagResourceRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>

Removes the association between one or more provided tags and a notification rule.

updateNotificationRule(params: UpdateNotificationRuleRequest, opts?: client.RequestOptions): Promise<void>

Updates a notification rule for a resource. You can change the events that trigger the notification rule, the status of the rule, and the targets that receive the notifications.

Note: To add or remove tags for a notification rule, you must use "TagResource" and "UntagResource".

§Static Properties