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import type { ListSigningJobsRequest } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.3/services/signer.ts?docs=full";
interface ListSigningJobsRequest {
isRevoked?: boolean | null;
jobInvoker?: string | null;
maxResults?: number | null;
nextToken?: string | null;
platformId?: string | null;
requestedBy?: string | null;
signatureExpiresAfter?: Date | number | null;
signatureExpiresBefore?: Date | number | null;
status?: SigningStatus | null;


isRevoked?: boolean | null

Filters results to return only signing jobs with revoked signatures.

jobInvoker?: string | null

Filters results to return only signing jobs initiated by a specified IAM entity.

maxResults?: number | null

Specifies the maximum number of items to return in the response. Use this parameter when paginating results. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the nextToken element is set in the response. Use the nextToken value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items.

nextToken?: string | null

String for specifying the next set of paginated results to return. After you receive a response with truncated results, use this parameter in a subsequent request. Set it to the value of nextToken from the response that you just received.

platformId?: string | null

The ID of microcontroller platform that you specified for the distribution of your code image.

requestedBy?: string | null

The IAM principal that requested the signing job.

signatureExpiresAfter?: Date | number | null

Filters results to return only signing jobs with signatures expiring after a specified timestamp.

signatureExpiresBefore?: Date | number | null

Filters results to return only signing jobs with signatures expiring before a specified timestamp.

status?: SigningStatus | null

A status value with which to filter your results.