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import type { SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabledRequest } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.3/services/ses.ts?docs=full";

Represents a request to enable or disable whether Amazon SES forwards you bounce and complaint notifications through email. For information about email feedback forwarding, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

interface SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabledRequest {
ForwardingEnabled: boolean;
Identity: string;


ForwardingEnabled: boolean

Sets whether Amazon SES will forward bounce and complaint notifications as email. true specifies that Amazon SES will forward bounce and complaint notifications as email, in addition to any Amazon SNS topic publishing otherwise specified. false specifies that Amazon SES will publish bounce and complaint notifications only through Amazon SNS. This value can only be set to false when Amazon SNS topics are set for both Bounce and Complaint notification types.

Identity: string

The identity for which to set bounce and complaint notification forwarding. Examples: user@example.com, example.com.