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import type { SearchFoldersRequest } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.3/services/quicksight.ts?docs=full";
interface SearchFoldersRequest {
AwsAccountId: string;
Filters: FolderSearchFilter[];
MaxResults?: number | null;
NextToken?: string | null;


AwsAccountId: string

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.


The filters to apply to the search. Currently, you can search only by the parent folder ARN. For example, "Filters": [ { "Name": "PARENT_FOLDER_ARN", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:folder/folderId" } ].

MaxResults?: number | null

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

NextToken?: string | null

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.