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import type { AssetSummary } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.3/services/iotsitewise.ts?docs=full";

Contains a summary of an asset.

interface AssetSummary {
arn: string;
assetModelId: string;
creationDate: Date | number;
hierarchies: AssetHierarchy[];
id: string;
lastUpdateDate: Date | number;
name: string;
status: AssetStatus;


arn: string

The ARN of the asset, which has the following format.

assetModelId: string

The ID of the asset model used to create this asset.

creationDate: Date | number

The date the asset was created, in Unix epoch time.

hierarchies: AssetHierarchy[]

A list of asset hierarchies that each contain a hierarchyId. A hierarchy specifies allowed parent/child asset relationships.

id: string

The ID of the asset.

lastUpdateDate: Date | number

The date the asset was last updated, in Unix epoch time.

name: string

The name of the asset.


The current status of the asset.