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import type { GetExportRequest } from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.3/services/apigateway.ts?docs=full";

Request a new export of a "RestApi" for a particular "Stage".

interface GetExportRequest {
accepts?: string | null;
exportType: string;
parameters?: {
[key: string]: string | null | undefined;
| null;
restApiId: string;
stageName: string;


accepts?: string | null

The content-type of the export, for example application/json. Currently application/json and application/yaml are supported for exportType ofoas30 and swagger. This should be specified in the Accept header for direct API requests.

exportType: string

[Required] The type of export. Acceptable values are 'oas30' for OpenAPI 3.0.x and 'swagger' for Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0.

parameters?: {
[key: string]: string | null | undefined;
| null

A key-value map of query string parameters that specify properties of the export, depending on the requested exportType. For exportType oas30 and swagger, any combination of the following parameters are supported: extensions='integrations' or extensions='apigateway' will export the API with x-amazon-apigateway-integration extensions. extensions='authorizers' will export the API with x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer extensions. postman will export the API with Postman extensions, allowing for import to the Postman tool

restApiId: string

[Required] The string identifier of the associated "RestApi".

stageName: string

[Required] The name of the "Stage" that will be exported.