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import { default } from "https://7smzlzo4lz2ivy7dcfbyll4asdkqtc62pbdit23ysj5xdlu6wsra.arweave.net/_JmV5dxedIrj4xFDha-AkNUJi9p4RonreJJ7ca6etKI/mod.ts";

the Model skeleton to be controlled at collection

interface default {
createdAt?: Date;
id?: string;
updatedAt?: Date;
class default {
constructor(rootDir?: string, dbOptions?: FileDBOptions);
private autosave: boolean;
private collections: Record<string, Collection>;
private rootDir: string;
getCollection<T extends Document>(colName: string): Collection<T>;
static drop(rootDir: string);
class default<T extends Document = Document> {
constructor(name: string, collectionOptions: CollectionOptions);
private autosave: boolean;
private data: T[];
private fsPath: string;
deleteMany(options: T);
deleteOne(options: T);
find(options: T);
findOne(options: T);
insertMany(els: T[]);
insertOne(el: T);
updateMany(options: T, el: T);
updateOne(options: T, el: T);


createdAt?: Date
id?: string
updatedAt?: Date


new default(rootDir?: string, dbOptions?: FileDBOptions)

Ensure the data folder is existed.

@param rootDir

Optional: the base url of the data folder, default "./db"


autosave: boolean
collections: Record<string, Collection>
rootDir: string


getCollection<T extends Document>(colName: string): Collection<T>

Get a collection

@param colName

Collection Name

@template T

a type extending Collection Model


the specified collection


Get all collection names


an array containing collection names


Save all data of all collections

§Static Methods

drop(rootDir: string)

Drop a database with the given path

@param rootDir

root directory of the database

§Type Parameters


new default(name: string, collectionOptions: CollectionOptions)

Ensure the collection file is existed. Read the initial data from the file if the file existed.

@param name

the Collection name

@param collectionOptions


autosave: boolean
data: T[]
fsPath: string


deleteMany(options: T)

Bulk delete

@param options

Filter conditions of documents


the deleted document IDs

deleteOne(options: T)

Delete a document

@param options

Filter conditions of documents


the deleted document ID

find(options: T)

Find some documents by using filter conditions

Caution! The method on this stage is only able to find documents with equals properties. For more options like greater than, less than or equal to, please wait for newer version

@param options

filter conditions


the filtered documents

findOne(options: T)
insertMany(els: T[])

Bulk Insert

@param els

an array of documents to be inserted


the inserted documents

insertOne(el: T)

Insert a document

@param el

the document to be inserted


the inserted document


Save a copy of the data snapshot at this point to the file.

updateMany(options: T, el: T)

Bulk Update

@param options

filter condition of documents

@param el

the updated document attributes


the updated documents

updateOne(options: T, el: T)

Update a document

@param options

filter condition of documents

@param el

the updated document attributes


the updated document