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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
import * as slackBolt from "";


A Slack App

Receives HTTP requests with Events, Slash Commands, and Actions

Default implementation of ConversationStore, which stores data in memory.

Receives HTTP requests with Events, Slash Commands, and Actions

Receives Events, Slash Commands, and Actions of a web socket connection



Severity levels for log entries


Middleware that filters out any event that isn't an action

Middleware that filters out any event that isn't a command

Middleware that filters out any event that isn't an event

Middleware that filters out any event that isn't an options

Middleware that filters out any event that isn't a shortcut

Middleware that filters out any event that isn't a view_submission or view_closed event


Middleware that filters out any command that doesn't match name

Middleware that checks for matches given constraints


App initialization options

Authorization function - seeds the middleware processing and listeners with an authorization context

Authorization function outputs - data that will be available as part of event processing

Authorization function inputs - authenticated data about an event for the authorization function

Any action from Slack's interactive elements

Any event in Slack's Events API

A Slack Block Kit element action wrapped in the standard metadata.

An action from a button element

A button click action from a legacy interactive message.

An action from a select menu with channels list

An action from a checkboxes element

An action from a select menu with conversations list

Storage backend used by the conversation context middleware

An action from a date picker element

A Slack dialog submit action wrapped in the standard metadata.

A Slack dialog submission validation response. Use an object of this type to describe errors regarding inputs that were part of the submission.

An action from a select menu with external data source

A Slack global shortcut wrapped in the standard metadata.

An individual installation of the Slack app.

A Slack legacy interactive message action wrapped in the standard metadata.

Interface for objects where objects in this package's logs can be sent (can be used as logger option).

A menu selection action from a legacy interactive message.

A Slack message action wrapped in the standard metadata.

An action from a multi select menu with channels list

An action from a multi select menu with conversations list

An action from a multi select menu with external data source

An action from a multi select menu with static options

An action from a multi select menu with user list

A request for options for a select menu with an external data source, wrapped in the standard metadata. The menu can have a source of Slack's Block Kit external select elements, dialogs, or legacy interactive components.

An action from an overflow menu element

An action from a radio button element

Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process an action from Slack's Block Kit interactive components, message actions, dialogs, or legacy interactive messages.

Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process a slash command from Slack.

Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process an event from Slack's Events API.

Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process an options request from Slack

Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process a shortcut from Slack.

Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process a view submission event from Slack.

A Slack slash command

An action from a select menu with static options

An action from a select menu with user list

A Slack view_closed event wrapped in the standard metadata.

A Slack view_submission event wrapped in the standard metadata.

A Slack view_closed Workflow Step event

A Slack view_submission Workflow Step event

A Slack workflow step action wrapped in the standard metadata.

Type Aliases

All known actions from in Slack's interactive elements

All actions which Slack delivers from legacy interactive messages. The full body of these actions are represented as [[InteractiveMessage]].

All sources from which Slack sends options requests.

All known actions from Slack's Block Kit interactive components, message actions, dialogs, and legacy interactive messages.

All known event types in Slack's Events API

All known shortcuts from Slack.

Known view action types

Extend this interface to build a type that is treated as an open set of properties, where each key is a string.