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Deno command-line interfaces made easy
import * as denomander from "";


It parses the arguments and splits them into commands and options

The main class

It is responsible for generating the app variables and running the necessary callback functions


It is the core of the app. It is responsible for almost everything. The executeProgram() is the starting point of the app.

Option class

It is responsible for validating the arguments and throw the related error


It detects if the given command is included in BOTH of the other two given arrays of Commands

It detects if there are default options (--help, --version) in arguments

Prints error message

It returns the command arguments with required values

It returns the command instance if founded in given arguments

It returns the command instance if founded in given arguments

It detects if on of the given args, is included in the given array of Commands.

Detects if arg is in pre-defined options

Detects if there are available required options

It detects if on of the given args, is included in the given array of Commands.

It detects if the given command is in the arguments

It detects if there are no arguments

It detects if the given command is in the arguments

Detects if option is in args

Detects if a strign contains brackets

Detects if a strign contains curly brackets

Detects if a strign contains curly brackets

Print the help screen for a specific command.

Print the help screen for a specific command (Classic).

Print the help screen for a specific command.

The help screen.

The help screen.

Sets the option value

It detects if the passed flags are seperated by comma, pipe or space and splits them.

Prints success message

Prints warning message


It sets the contract for the Arguments Object

Interface to implement parse() method

The methods that must be implemented for public api

It sets the contract for the Validator object

Type Aliases

Defines the app detail types

Defines extra options for the constructor.

Defines the Command constructor options

Defines the args

Help message formats.

Defines the app detail types. Applied only in Kernel constuctor

Defines the .on() command options

Defines the option builder (used in global options)

Defines the temporary on command options

Defines the version setter